Here is the picture I promised. And yes- I have said goodbye to hats. I have not worn one for over a week and it feels good. I am not saying it's easy. It is one of the hardest things I have done but everyday it gets easier. It all started a week ago Thursday. Steve and I went to the temple and I decided that was the best place to go for the first time without a hat. Who is going to laugh at you in the temple? Right? Then the next was my last day of work at the high school and everybody kept telling me I could go without a hat (Heather had been telling me that for a while) so I ditched it right then and there. I really appreciate all of you that have told me its cute. I can't wait for it to be longer so I can actually do something with it!

Race for the Cure was May 12th and as you can see my hair has grown since then. This was such a great experience. I could not believe the sheer numbers of people that show up to this event. Very inspirational.

This is me with Mary Nickles (channel 2 news) right before the survivor parade. She is also finished with chemo. Her blog is very good.
Most of you know that we have moved. I have not blogged much about it because it was so stressful. In fact, I told my realtor that I would rather go through chemo again then sell a house! I also blame the house stress on not blogging more. But now that the deal is done, the money has funded and the boxes are mostly unpacked I am so happy. Every morning I wake up and have to pinch myself that this house is really mine! I feel so blessed. We were able to stay in our ward and the Rawlings (the sellers) were so patient with the sale of our home. It was all meant to be even though it took longer than we would have liked. We would love for any of you to stop by and see it anytime!!