My third round of chemo my girls came with me. (I failed to mention before that Steven went with me to my second round since he was home for Christmas.) I think it is good for them to come and see what it is all about. As you can see we had fun- as much fun as you can at chemo. It is actually a boring 3 1/2 hours. They were troopers though- didn't complain once. Heather even had a good nap.:) Everything went very smooth and I feel good today. I had a great run this morning. Loved the sunshine, I haven't run this much outside during the winter. I just can't bring myself to go to the gym since a lost my hair. Bandana or hat? I think I will try tomorrow.
I left out a tender mercy in my last post. (thanks Kara for the reminder) I listen to a christian radio station call KLOVE. The day my hair started falling out, when I got in the car after the gym the DJ was quoting Matthew 10:30 "But the very hairs of your head are numbered." This was another testament to me that Heavenly Father knows and loves me and is there for me. And He can show that love anytime or anywhere.
My father passed away 11 years ago on Jan 10th so tuesday I was thinking about him a lot. We got his temple work done last year and as I was thinking about this a very strong feeling came over me, because his temple work is done he is now more free to help me and be there for me. Thoughout all this I have felt support from him and my brother-in-law Glenn that recently passed away from cancer. One more way that my Father in heaven has shown his deep love for me.
So my last chemo is Feb. 1st. It has really flown by. I would not wish this on my worst enemy, but is has been doable. Mostly because of the support from people like you!