Everyone finds their own way of joining me in this fight. Jordan wears his pink Nikes every time he plays ball. They are Kobe's and they have a little pink ribbon on the heel. I love it! And I love him.
I went back to work today. It was so good to be back. There are so many people there that love and support me. I had some pretty funny conversations about my tissue expander, bra size and which side I need the prosthesis on. It's great to laugh about it. I hope that someday I can help someone else laugh while they are going through all this.
I meet with my Oncologist next Tues. and then leave for Florida on Wed. Can't wait! It is going to be so good to get away and forget all this for a few days. When I was first diagnosed I wanted to run away from it, but obviously you can't run away from something inside you. Florida will give me a chance to "run away" for a minute so I can come back and fight some more.
Real men wear pink! Nice move Jordan. :)